Ida Widianingsih ORCID logo Pending

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ORCID logo 0000-0003-2472-5236

Ida Widianingsih, is a Professor in International Development Administration at Public Administration Department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad), Indonesia. She also serves as Vice Dean for Learning, Student, and Research Affairs at the same faculty. Furthermore, She is a senior researcher and Executive Director of Center for Decentralization and Participatory Development Research, Unpad. She holds a PhD from Flinders Institute of Public Policy and Management, Flinders University, Australia (2014); Master degree in International development granted from Center for Development Studies, Flinders University, Australia (2005); and Bachelor’s in Public Administration from Universitas Padjadjaran (1995). She is selected as one of prominent supervisors for the PMDSU (Pendidikan Magister Menuju Doktor untuk Sarjana Unggul)- A competitive national research grant funded by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, this program aims to recruit Indonesian future young scientists. Her main research interests are public administration and development issues that have been developing under a Research roadmap called "Inclusive Development Policy Transformation for a sustainable future (1995-2030)". Among others, her current collaborative research is entitled "Ecovillage Pathway to Welbeing (2020-recent)", "Co-design and community engagement for CItarum Watershed REvitalization (2023)", Integrated Sustainable Water Governance in Gede Pangrango Salak Region, West Java (2020)", “Metropolitan Governance Model in West Java Province: A Case of Bandung Greater Metropolitan” (2017-2018) and “Sustainable Science in the Context of Rural-Urban Linkage: Case Study on the Impact of ecological Change in the Upper Citarum Watershed to the Food Security and the Food Sovereignty in West Java Indonesia”. She’s been working closely with Assoc. Prof Janet Mc-Intyre Mills (Adelaide University, Australia) for collaborative research on “Living virtuously and well: towards non anthropocentric stewardship” (2016-2019). Her international research collaboration also conducted with Assoc Prof. Helen McLaren (Flinders University, Australia) on "Women's Interdisciplinary Round Tables: COVID-19 and the Future of SDGsm(2021-2022)" and "Women’s Leadership in Public Sector: Learning from What’s Work (2018)” funded by DFAT Australia. Her works are published as chapters in book, discusssion paper, national and international indexed journal articles, papers and posters for national and international conferences. She teaches some courses at the Public Administration Department, Unpad, which include: Globalization and Development, Comparative Public Administration, Theory of Development Planning, Contemporary Issues in Public Administration, Research Methods for Public Administration, Public Performance Management. As the department established cooperation with the Graduate School of Governance SungKyunKwan University (SKKU) Korea, she became teaching assistance in 2013 and main lecturer from 2014-recent. Apart from being a lecturer and researcher at Universtas Padjadjaran, she is also working as a contract-based consultant/trainer for various institutions, including the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, AusAID, CIDES (Center for Information and Development Studies, Jakarta), CIRDAP (Center for Integrated Rural Development) Bangladesh, CSSTC NAM Center (Center for South-South Cooperation, NAM Center, Jakarta) and the UNSSC (United Nations System Staff College), Turin, Italia.

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