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Name : Woro Kusmaryani Place/Date of Birth : Widodaren, Ngawi 06 February 1983 Sex : Female Profession : Lecturer Institution : Borneo University Tarakan Indonesia NPWP : 16.224.373.7-722.000 Marital Status : Single Address : Jl. Amal Lama No 1 Tarakan, North Kalimantan, Indonesia Phone Number : 081346451872 e-mail : lunasaski@gmail.com EDUCATION Year Level University Department Area of Expertise 2007 Undergraduate Mulawarman University English Department English Education 2011 Magister program Mulawarman University English Department English Education 2017 Doctoral student Indonesia University of education English Department English Education PROFESSIONAL WORKSHOPS Year Workshop Organizer 2013 Basic Skills Development Training Instructional Techniques Brawijaya University and Borneo University 2013 Education and Training for Government Employees Employee Education and Training Center for the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Education and Culture 2014 Apprenticeships Higher Education Lecturer at Gadjah Mada University Ministry of Research and Higher Education with Gadjah Mada University 2014 Policies and Mechanisms of Employee Performance General Bureau, Planning and Finance of Borneo University Tarakan 2015 Genre-based pedagogy and the application of ICT and ELT Indonesia University of Education 2016 Writing and coaching for reputable and indexed international journal Walisongo Islamic State University 2016 Innovation Development of English Language Teaching Materials based on Systemic Functional Linguistics as a Social Semiotic Theory Ibnu Khaldun University Bogor TEACHING EXPERIENCES Course Level Institution/Program Year ... to ... Wordpower 1 Undergraduate English Department 2012-2015 Wordpower 2 Undergraduate English Department 2012-2015 Wordpower 3 Undergraduate English Department 2012-2015 General English Undergraduate Agribusiness 2013 Fishery 2013 Civil Engineering 2013 Mathematic Department 2013 Agro technology 2014-2015 Economy 2014 Management 2014 Classroom Management Undergraduate English Department 2012 Speaking 1 Undergraduate English Department 2012-2015 Speaking 2 Undergraduate English Department 2012-2015 Speaking 3 Undergraduate English Department 2012-2015 Advanced English grammar Undergraduate English Department 2013 Listening Undergraduate English Department 2013 Speech Training Undergraduate English Department 2013-2015 Introductory Science Education Undergraduate Education Counseling 2013 Teaching of Speaking Undergraduate English Department 2013 Teaching of Reading Undergraduate English Department 2013 RESEARCH EXPERIENCES Year Research Title Position Publication Funding 2013 The Implementation of Integrated Skills in Teaching Wordpower 2 to 2nd Semester Students of English Department of Borneo University Tarakan Academic Year 2012/2013 Researcher Teachers Quality Improvement Program (TEQIP) Borneo University 2013 Analysis of Readiness and Problems of Teachers in the Implementation of 2013 Curriculum in Tarakan, North Kalimantan Researcher International Seminar on Education with its central ISBN 978-602-96824-0-3 City Government Social Assistance 2014 Learning Media Analysis at Elementary, Junior and Senior High School in Tarakan, North Kalimantan Researcher Edukasia Journal City Government Social Assistance 2014 Survey Training Model for Teacher Professional Development in Tarakan Researcher Edukasia Journal City Government Social Assistance 2015 Fourth Semester Student’s Pronunciation in Reading Short Text by using IPA Transcript in Speech Training Class of English Department of Borneo University Tarakan Academic Year 2013/2014 Researcher ISBN: 78-602-0826-16-5 Ministry of Research and Higher Education for Faculty Research Beginners 2016 Transitivity Analysis on Tidung’s Narrative Text Entitled “Legend of King Bagei: The Four Eyes King” Researcher International Systemic Functional Linguistic Conference Independent 2016 Teaching Critical Thinking in Speaking Class through Socratic Questioning at Fourth Semester Students of English Department of Borneo University Tarakan Academic year 2014/2015 Researcher ISBN: 979-978-8559-99-0 Independent 2016 Infusing Critical tThinking in Speaking Materials through Socratic Questioning Method Researcher ISBN: 978-602-6804-08-2 Independent 2016 Teaching Critical Thinking through the Last Three Bloom Taxonomy Thinking Levels in Speaking Class Researcher ISBN: 978-602-6369-31-4 Independent RESEARCH INTEREST No Topic 1 Teaching English as a Foreign Language 2 Critical Thinking 3 Teaching Media and Technology 4 Teacher Professional Development PROFESSION ORGANIZATION Year Organization 2017 The Association for the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia (TEFLIN) Member

Last synced: Never

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