Search for Journals
Jurnal Bisnis Manajemen dan Keuangan
Not Claimed
BENZENA Pharmaceutical Scientific Journal Not Claimed
International Journal Corner of Educational Research Not Claimed
Journal of Tax and Business Not Claimed
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Jotika Not Claimed
OMNICODE Journal (Omnicompetence Community Developement Journal) Not Claimed
Journal of Industrial System Engineering and Management Not Claimed
DutaCom Not Claimed
Dewantara Journal of Technology Not Claimed
Jurnal Perhotelan dan Pariwisata Not Claimed
2722-9742 (electronic) 2722-9742 (print)
Universitas Negeri Jakarta
BENZENA Pharmaceutical Scientific Journal Not Claimed
2961-7375 (electronic)
Universitas Pekalongan
International Journal Corner of Educational Research Not Claimed
2962-164X (electronic) 2962-8237 (print)
CV. Tripe Konsultan
Journal of Tax and Business Not Claimed
2723-0120 (electronic)
Sekolah Tinggi Perpajakan Indonesia
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Jotika Not Claimed
2807-2855 (electronic)
Jotika English and Education Center
OMNICODE Journal (Omnicompetence Community Developement Journal) Not Claimed
2809-6177 (electronic)
CV. UrbanGreen Central Media
Journal of Industrial System Engineering and Management Not Claimed
2962-2069 (electronic)
PT. Safari Amalia
DutaCom Not Claimed
2962-3340 (electronic) 2086-9436 (print)
Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta
Dewantara Journal of Technology Not Claimed
2776-6764 (electronic) 2774-2032 (print)
Akademi Teknologi Industri Dewantara Palopo
Jurnal Perhotelan dan Pariwisata Not Claimed
2988-1455 (electronic)
Politeknik Pajajaran ICB Bandung